
Alhamdulillah Quotes
LifeQuotes (Inspiring Your Life) - Great 3 Life Quotes Explained
One of the best sources for inspiration isenlightening quotes. Those kind of quotes can be found through the quotationdictionaries or treasuries. My favorite quotes category is life quotes. Lifequotes provides us wisdom to make good life. At the same time, it gives us lifelessons without requiring us to through the experience. All thanks to the wisepeople who shared their wisdom, views and opinions through amazing sayings. Iwant to share with you some of my favorite life quotes. I have been collectinglife quotes and I found these quotes to be the best among them.
The first one is, "Life is likewriting with a pen. You can cross out your past but you cannot erase it."The source for this wonderful life quote is unknown, however, it contains thetruth about the past. We cannot change the past, no matter what we attempt todo, it will always remain there. It cannot be changed. Thus, it's better tofocus on present to create something beautiful in life. Howard Martin has saidyou are writing the story of your life one moment at a time.
Another great life quote I've known of is,"When life gives you hundred reasons to cry, show life that you havethousand reasons to smile." I love this life quote very much. It makes usstrong and gives us strength to face any changes and situation that comes inour life. It reminds us no matter any bad thing arises, there are always goodthings that we can cheer about and be happy.
Next wonderful life quote is,"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that'swhy they call it present." which was written by Anna Eleanor Roosevelt.The best thing about this life quote is that it acknowledges us that yesterdayis history. We should learn from the past, that's the purpose of historyexists. Tomorrow is mystery. Nobody knows what's going to happen yet all of usknow anything can happen. Everything has its own place in time and it will notreveal to us until it comes. Now, today's a gift and it's called present.Overall, it's saying we should appreciate that we have today and not to thinkmuch about tomorrow. Always do good and be happy for today.
That's all are the life quotes I have toshare right now. I love collecting life quotes and I have made the best LifeQuotes collection at