
The effectiveness of every therapy largely depends upon the type of injury and the human body s capability to react to every treatment offered. For example, chiropractic and physiotherapy are known therapies for curing muscular-skeletal problems such as acute back pain. Though these therapies may not provide instant relief, they offer long-term benefits by correcting the root cause of the problem. However, chiropractors and physiotherapists offer separate treatment plans for acute and chronic back pain in patients suffering from different types of back injury. Therefore, it is always suggested to consult a physician before starting physiotherapy or chiropractic therapy, as treatment may vary depending on the cause of acute pain or the severity of the backache.
Patients suffering from acute back pain can undertake simple exercises to strengthen their muscles and strengthen the ligaments. While doing so, it is essential to remember that exercise should not be started immediately after the surgery or injury. If you start exercising too soon, you may experience worsening of your condition. It is also advised that you should follow your physiotherapist's advice regarding exercise, especially if you are not exercising regularly. A combination of exercise, diet and good posture will go a long way in helping you stay fit and prevent acute back pain in the future.
Learn more at Acute And Chronic Back Pain