
Ablood ketone meter, also known as a fasting meter, is a medical device that isused to gauge the level of ketones in the blood, and basically, it works justlike a diabetic meter to measure the glucose level. The latter is just asaccurate and this enables person to track the ketone concentrations and monitorthe kind of food eat when user practicing a ketogenic diet. Ketones are produced in the liver whencarbohydrate foods go into the fat cells, and then the ketones are used asenergy. Chronic high levels of ketones can be very dangerous, especiallybecause the ketones can cause a coma in some patients.
Themost widely used method of monitoring ketones is a thin meter, like the onefrom Keto-MOjo that have been used for more than a year now. The main advantageof video-urine test strips is that they're fairly easy to use and fairlyaccurate. One of the newest and hottest new products on the market is calledMyoplex. This company has developed a really neat bloodketone meter that looks like a medical device. A clip attaches to thearm of the person and there are strips that user clip to the clip. The stripmeasures the ketones in a matter of seconds.
Thesestrips will be higher than regular blood ketone meters because they aretranslucent. Visible blood vessels will appear blue, so if someone is severelystarving or has just had surgery, the results may be inaccurate. However, thisproduct does have lower accuracy than its competitors. Myoplex also offers ablood oxygen saturation kit that will measure the blood oxygenation level.
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