
5 Ways Magic Mushrooms Can Change Your Life for the Better
5 Ways Magic Mushrooms Can Change Your Life for the Better
I’m sure we’ve seen the classic depiction of shrooms inmovies or TV. Usually portrayed as walls moving or perhaps a second headgrowing on a person. While we’re not saying that these aren’t things that youwon’t experience on shrooms, there’s another side to shrooms that have not beenreported as much by mainstream media, until recently. Scientific experts havebeen studying shrooms extensively for the past decade and they found that theycontain an abundance of health benefits. The magic component that is making allthis possible is ‘psilocybin’ which naturally occurs in shrooms. We’ve listedthe top 5 benefits that you can experience from consuming shrooms.
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1. Treatingdepression and easing anxiety
The discovery that mushrooms have been proven to treatdepression and anxiety has led to therapy sessions that involve magicmushrooms: psilocybin therapy sessions. Researchers are on the shroom bandwagonas they found that psilocybin can change certain patterns of the brain. It’ssaid that the brain becomes more malleable which makes it easier for those tobreak out their rigid, restrictive patterns. This allows for those strugglingto see, feel, and do things in a new way and essentially leaves them feelingmore balanced and restored.
2. Sparkingcreativity
Struggling to write that book? Well magic mushrooms can beyour answer. Researchers have found that magic mushrooms can boost creativityfor up to a week. To obtain these results, psychological tests were done onparticipants on the day before, the day after, and one week after their shroomexperience. These tests were designed to test convergent and divergentthinking, both a component of creativity. Convergent thinking is the process of“taking in lots of information to come up with a single solution to acomplicated challenge”, while divergent thinking refers to creating multiplesolutions from a small amount of information. Results proved that divergentthinking was increased the day after taking shrooms, while increases inconvergent thinking became noticeable after a week.
3. Smoking cessationand other addictions
Due to shrooms’ ability to break patterns in the brain,magic mushrooms can help treat substance use disorders. It allows people to seethe bigger picture and ultimately, the negative impact their addiction iscausing. This was proved through a small pilot study from John HopkinsUniversity which found that psilocybin therapy helped participants quit smokingover a 12-month follow-up period.
4. Positive shifts inmindset
There are many amazing things about life, but over thecourse of our life, there are many negative experiences that can change ourmindset to become more pessimistic. We close ourselves off and shut out newexperiences. This is where magic mushrooms come in and help us open up tocertain experiences and essentially gain a sense of novelty again. “Openness”is the term used to describe someone’s attitude towards new experiences andthis is associated with other traits like imagination and creativity.
5. Stimulates growthof new brain cells
This conclusion was only recently discovered through a studyconducted to study the effects of psilocybin on fear-conditioned mice. Theyfound that this component allowed the mice to overcome their fear and initiatednew neuron growth and regeneration in their brains. While this study was doneon mice and not yet humans, this is a significant conclusion that can one day betransferred to humans.
There are countless benefits to consuming shrooms and we’veonly scratched the surface. It is no surprise that shrooms are quickly becomingthe new hot trend to solving a myriad of mental health and general healthproblems. So what are you waiting for? Shop ShroomBros now to experience themagic of magic mushrooms.
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