
4 Tips for Successful Content Marketing | Calibre Digital
Content marketing consists of many elements. It’s not only blogs and social media posts. To be successful with your content marketing campaigns, it must be interesting, informative, and smart. Furthermore, you have to create content that will move your buyers through the sales funnel and get more close deals and increase brand loyalty.
Asking yourself the following questions is a great first step to improving your overall content.
How Do You Analyse Your Content?
Your content may be well written, but those words translate into data. Look at what performs well and converts visitors into customers? Ask yourself how your content marketing fits into your overall goals. Where can you improve? Use the analytical tools to know if your content is successful or not.
Do You Have a Marketing Plan?
So many businesses we come across do not have a marketing plan or schedule in place
Use a marketing calendar to create high-quality content around holidays and special events or dates. Don’t wait for December to plan your holiday marketing strategy. Save spots for trending events, and plan your content posts for them and what exact channels you will use, e.g. Facebook, Google, etc, this will keep you focused and guided.
Can You Reuse, Regenerate and Remodel old Content?
The old content that you created to introduce customers to your product or service may be able to be turned into an infographic to be posted on Instagram. Also, the old blogs that were successful can be updated with current information and statistics. Build an eBook out of blogs or put old content into a video format or slide show. Use the content in multiple avenues to get the most for your marketing money.
Are you using the Content you create Efficiently?
Educate yourself on what types of content work best for Facebook for Twitter. Audiences on different channels respond to different content. Ensure you have a clear purpose for each piece of content. Your posted blogs should have call-to-actions (CTA’s) telling your customer what to do next.
Always make sure you have a strategy for your content marketing. Does your campaign outline the solutions you provide to your customer’s problems?
Set your goals, analyse the results, what worked? What didn’t? And repeat with more enhanced and successful content.