
Though we all have different reasons for speeding, and it doesn't matter whether you are an experienced driver, or just got your driver's license yesterday, we are all equal in our ability to avoid a speeding ticket, and our ability to receive them.
No matter whether you are speeding as a result of an emergency situation, because you are late for work, or because you want to try to make it home before your favorite television show comes on. The speeding ticket lawyer mineola fines will vary based on the place, and speed you are going. For instance, speeding through a school or construction zone will carry a heavier fine than through any other place. Speeding just 5 to 10 miles per hour over will carry a different fine than speeding 10 to 15 miles per hour over the limit.
You may not think the speeding ticket fine of $50-$100 is worth the fight or the trip to court, but we have to disagree. The fact of the matter is, a speeding ticket will cost you more than just the fines you pay as a result of it. Depending on how fast you were going above the speed limit when you were ticketed, your insurance company could possibly hike your rates until the ticket drops from your record--we are talking years of extra monthly premiums here--or worse, they can drop you all together, making it difficult to find coverage. If you are financing a vehicle where full coverage insurance is required, this could cause even more of a major issue. You can't drive legally without insurance coverage, so are you sure this is something you want to risk?
The actual cost of your ticket will vary from county to county, city to city, and state to state. In addition to the fine related to speeding, you will have to pay court costs. As some areas have relatively low court costs, others are not that lucky, with court costs over $100. If you take the time to go to court, you have a chance to plead not guilty and therefore taking a shot at not getting convicted of the offense. If you do not get convicted, the ticket does not get added to your record and you do not have to worry about the consequences of what it will do to your insurance rates.
If you take the time to go to court to fight the speeding ticket, you also have a chance to ask about alternative punishments such as driving school, traffic class, or defensive driving courses. This keeps the ticket from going on your record while making the judge happy because you are learning your lesson.