Five Patent Search Engines and Databases
Five Patent Search Engines and Databases
PatentScope, Espacenet, The Lens Org, Design View, and Google Patents are the five best patent search engines to search for a patent. In this blog, we will talk in detail about all these 5 databases for patents in India.

PatentScope, Espacenet, The Lens Org, Design View, and Google Patents are the five best patent search engines to search for a patent. In this blog, we will talk in detail about all these 5 databases for patents in India. 

Patent searches may play a critical role in a company’s lifecycle by giving vital feedback to stakeholders, allowing them to better manage their investments and risks throughout the company’s lifespan. The aims of a patent search are adaptable and may be tailored to the specific business goals being pursued at the time. 

These objectives may include  patent registration, abandoning an idea or patent rights, introducing a product, or asserting a patent claim against a rival. Risks associated with acting on inadequate or wrong information may have financial ramifications and long-term effects on developing a company’s operations. 

All significant corporations thus engage qualified in-house and outside experts to do patent searches on their behalf. The preceding post discussed our selection of free academic search engines and bibliographic databases for non-patent literature searches and our methodology for selecting these resources. Our top five picks for free patent search engines are shown below, and anybody may use them to find patent information. 


What is a Patent Searching Database, and how does it work?

During the patentability search process, a patent searching database is an online resource that assists inventors, intellectual property specialists, and legal professionals in obtaining rapid and trustworthy results. In addition, innovative individuals and businesses are often supported by intellectual property law firms that rely on these widely-accepted patent search databases to search for existing prior art in the form of patents.

Such databases decrease the amount of time required to obtain information, analyze possibly relevant findings, and provide a report that you can use for practical purposes. 


Five Patent Searching Tools That You Should Know About 


Google Patents

Google created this free intellectual property search database in 2006, and it is considered one of the most creative. It is a critical software program for intellectual property law companies since a few patent searching software packages perform a comprehensive novelty search for future patents. As a result, it is always a good idea to double-check with Google Patents. Simple as typing the relevant patent name into Google Search, you’re on your way. Following that, the first result is often a direct link to the patent itself. Patents from nations like the United States, China, Japan, Korea, and Europe are included in the massive Google Patents database, which has 87 million patents in total.



This is one of the most comprehensive IP search databases currently accessible. It brings together the resources of patent organisations from more than 98 different nations in one place. As a result, intellectual property law firms can provide better services to their clients by using this free IP searching database.

Espacenet’s patent database has more than 110 million publicly available patents from its website. As a result, it can resolve some of the most challenging issues encountered by intellectual property law companies in patent art and patent novelty searches.

Users can search for IP addresses using the Smart Search, Advanced Search, and Classification Search tools available in this IP searching database. Because it permits search by publication number, application number, priority number, inventor’s name, and publication date, the Advanced Search tool is beneficial for intellectual property law firms when looking for patents on a specific subject matter.

The Lens Org

The Lens Org is one of the earliest digital patent searching databases, and it is something that all patent lawyers should be familiar with. Incorporating information from the world’s top patent authorities, such as the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and the European Patent Office, it is an open database (EPO). It contains patent bibliographic data from the European Patent Office (EPO) dating back to 1907 (more than 81 million documents), USPTO patent applications dating back to 2001, USPTO patents (granted) dating back to 1976, more than 14 million USPTO assignments, EPO grants dating back to 1980, WIPO patent applications dating back to 1978, and full-text patents from IP Australia.


The Lens Organization provides an extensive and comprehensive database to search and numerous types of metadata searchability ranging from publication, filing, and priority dates, to extended patent family sizes, among other things. The database is valuable for patent lawyers seeking a worldwide patent database that is user-friendly and readily accessible to their clients. Using the INPADOC patent status and family information service, you may also look for lapsed, abandoned, or expired United States patents in your area. In addition, patent families may be represented visually as graphical trees in PDF format.

Furthermore, the dynamic charts on are another feature that might be valuable in analysing information, according to the website.



PatentScope is the World Intellectual Property Organization’s online patent searching database, which anybody may use for free. All worldwide Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT) applications in their full-text versions are now available via this browser-based patent searching database, accessible over the Internet. It has also included in this database the patent papers that have been registered under the jurisdiction of the other cooperating regional patent administrations.


Design View 

DESIGN View is a free online database that allows you to search for design patents. The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) launched this database in 2012, and it has since grown in popularity (EUIPO). This database contains around 16,941,630 registered designs from 72 collaborating national offices worldwide, and you may search it. Users will appreciate how easy it is to navigate this database’s interface. To narrow the search scope, one may use either the basic search or the advanced search options. Additionally, this database enables side-by-side comparisons of designs to be made. Furthermore, it is accessible in 37 languages, allowing patent lawyers to conduct searches for patents in the language they are most comfortable working with. 



After reading this essay, it should be clear that patent search databases have the potential to shorten the turnaround time for patent searches drastically. In addition, the same technologies may assist patent lawyers in streamlining the patent search process, navigating through significant patent papers effectively, and drawing the most effective conclusions.

The company’s sagacious IP, worldwide intellectual property research and consulting service are well-positioned to provide companies and intellectual property law firms with speedy patent information search options. All tools have advantages and disadvantages, so it’s critical to find the database that best meets your requirements. You may need the usage of more than one database for your search requirements, and we hope that this list will assist you in locating your genuine patent database match. Assuming that we have sorted out the patent databases, we should probably go on to the next stage, which is patent searching.

Patent databases are worthless if you have no understanding of patent searching, the cognitive process necessary, or the underlying variables that you must consider to search the patent database effectively.