
Are You an Undercover Mind Angel?
There are angels among us. Some stand out in a crowd, some blend in. All of them work as miraculous healers, mostly behind the scenes. We usually do not even notice the quiet yet powerful work they do to transform our existence.
Sometimes they perform simple acts of kindness, some work in team; some are part of a larger organization, some work entirely on their own. They are all part of a larger force, an army of light.
Abdul-Baha', Baha'u'llah's son and the exemplar of His Faith said this over eighty years ago:
"Whensoever holy souls, drawing on the powers of heaven, shall arise with such qualities of the spirit, and march in unison, rank on rank, every one of those souls will be even as one thousand, and the surging waves of that mighty ocean will be even as the battalions of the Concourse on high." (Abdul-Baha', SWAB, p 260)
There is an undercover army of angels among us who are working in the trenches of ordinary life to bring about the coming Era of Enlightenment. These angels are not only Peace Corps workers or those who bring relief when disaster strikes. Sometimes they are the quiet ones who work through the Spirit at the level of Mind.
"The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness"
(A Course in Miracles, Lesson 6)
Who are Mind Angels?
These angels are ordinary folks who are changing the collective consciousness by changing their own minds. At this level, change is accomplished because the external picture is like a mirror of the inner condition. To efface the dust of the ego from the mirror of the mind is to release light into the world. To eradicate the impacted darkness deep in the collective human psyche, Mind Angels work within their own minds to take on the fiercest demons of hatred, prejudice, fear, madness, greed, lust and guilt in all its forms.
It may seem, on the surface of things, that they aren't doing much. But, such is not the case. An undercover Mind Angel works deeply, sometimes painfully, always very exquisitely, to bring about happiness and a sense of light where a condition of darkness prevailed just a moment ago.
A thought of negativity, whether it appears in your own mind or that of another, carries with it a cloud of negativity that communicates to others. When a Mind Angel takes responsibility for the error and practices the art of forgiveness, spiritual energies are released that break up the darkness and everything changes. All minds in the immediate proximity are affected. But the miracle doesn't end there as the generality of human consciousness is raised also--by just that much.
Thought is Very Powerful
"Consume every wayward thought with His loving mention." (Baha'u'llah, Gleanings of Baha'ullah, p. 265)
Think not that this is some foo-foo, airy-fairy pseudo-practice. No indeed. By so doing, Mind Angels are taking on the thick shadow of Human evil and digesting it. The result is all-encompassing. Its effect is the elevation of the Human Condition. It is light upon light.
You have performed miracles of forgiveness perhaps many times. You have been a Mind Angel every time you extended a hand to a un curso de milagros or jumped in to help, in spite of fear-- but most especially-- you have been an angel of the Mind every time you chose to love, even when it seemed impossible.
How to Be A Mind Angel
Becoming a Mind Angel is fun and can be practiced anywhere and everywhere. Just notice when there are dark patches--moments of conflict. Then step back and allow the Light to crack the shadow open. That's all.
You are a Mind Angel when you silently bless instead of condemn, when you ask for healing and trust that it is accomplished. You are among the "secret agent" Angels as soon as you accept the "burden of light" that comprises the re-unification of your thought system, sometimes called: the Atonement.
May peace be upon you...and may peace be brought to every mindthrough your forgiveness. Mind Angels will be springing up all over the place - soon...soon.