What Kitchen Interior Experts Don't Want You To Know ?
What Kitchen Interior Experts Don't Want You To Know ?
Well, we don't believe that modern kitchens should catch on for the short end. So we looked at all our pictures of modular kitchen design on the Urban Company portal to choose the taste of destiny - the collection into which you want to transform your kitchen space

Have you ever wondered why Indian kitchen design is not given as much attention as other parts of the house? Even if the kitchen is the busiest or most used space in our homes! Ironically, right?

Well, we don't believe that modern kitchens should catch on for the short end. So we looked at all our pictures of modular kitchen design on the Urban Company portal to choose the taste of destiny - the collection into which you want to transform your kitchen space. Check out these 15 great kitchen interior design ideas (even for small Indian households!) And make it a favorite meeting place for everyone.

1.  Add a colored doll and decorate it

Don't you like how this beautiful blue peninsula brings an explosion of colors in this beautiful kitchen with beige and white walls? In addition, this attractive geometric pendant lamp underlines the overall look. Add two bar stools and enjoy a delicious breakfast served in your kitchen!

2. Open it and make it attractive

This semi-open kitchen looks into a modern interior - it meets traditional accessories and remains connected to the rest of the house thanks to the shelves in the left partition and two arches in the shape of a window. Wooden cabinets, G4 white stone slabs and an earthy yellow background make this Indian  kitchen interior  design  a warm and pleasant kitchen - ideal if you are a family who loves to meet here!

3. Refine in gray

Who says gray is boring and boring? This full gray kitchen model with double-stacked cabinets is about low luxury. The black light interrupts the current and the raised panel cabinets add to the majesty. We designed our pots with herbs and a blue-green rug to make it even grayer! What do you think?

 4. Accept farm chic

The kitchen looks great! If you are a fan of American farm style cuisine, here is inspiration straight from the Indian apartment. The powder blue bottom cabinet and the vintage display case on the right are so in place that even modern cabinets without wall brackets and tight gray appliances can't get out of it. And hey, don't forget that weird blue patterned backsplash and gray antique tiles. So many characters!

5. White bait

Do you want your white kitchen to come to life? The glossy light blue backsplash and striking wall look like charm in this new kitchen model. Semi-open and with a neat island, we also liked how to create a compact dining set at one end, meaning that we separated the dining and kitchen area from the rest of this modern apartment in India.

6. Focus on natural light

If you decide for a U-shaped kitchen, we have a simple tip for you! Contains a large U-terminal window. Like this lattice window! It is the focal point of the kitchen and is flooded with plenty of natural light (which means better peace of mind!), Which is reflected from the white and orange cabinets and worktops. A sample backsplash can help disrupt uniformity.

7. Delight in yellow

Remember how we said gray wasn't boring anymore? Well, here's another way to see the beauty of colors: With splashes of yellow! We have detailed this in two photos of the kitchen design. On top of one, two layers of shiny sunflower yellow inside the entrance frame and another wall to give the space a unique balance between industrial and feminine.


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