
A concise explanation of the differences between the design of user interfaces (UI) and user experiences (UX).
Two phrases used in web and app design that get mixed up and confused the most are UI design and UX design.
And that makes sense.
On the surface, they appear to describe the same thing because they are frequently combined in the phrase "UI/UX design."
Find accurate descriptions of the two that don't go too deep into jargon.
But don't worry!
An easy-to-understand primer on these words is provided here.
By the conclusion of this article, you'll have a good understanding of what makes them unique and how they relate to one another.
You'll have a solid idea of what sets them apart at the end of this article.
So let's get started!
UI Design: What Is It?
"User interface" is what the "UI" in UI design stands for.
A software application's graphical interface is called the user interface.
It consists of all the elements that users interact with, such as the buttons they click, the text they read, the graphics, sliders, text entry areas, and other things.
This covers every single micro-interaction, as well as screen layout, transitions, and interface animations.
Design is required for every visual component, interactive feature, and animation. The task here belongs to UI designers. They choose how the application will be designed. They must decide on color schemes, button designs, text fonts, and line and button widths. UI designers design the user interface of a program.
Graphic designers also work as UI designers. They care about appearances. They are responsible for ensuring that the application's interface is appealing, aesthetically attractive, and correctly themed to reflect the app's function and personality. Additionally, they must make sure that every single visual component feels cohesive, both aesthetically and conceptually.
What is UX Design?
User experience is abbreviated as "UX." The way a user engages with the app affects their experience with it. Is the experience slick and natural or awkward and perplexing? Does it feel rational or random to navigate the app? Does using the app make users feel like they are completing the activities they set out to complete, or does it feel more like a struggle? The ease or difficulty of interacting with the user interface elements that the UI designers have built determines the user experience.
Therefore, UX designers are equally concerned with the user interface of an application, which is why some people are unclear about the distinction between the two. However, UX designers are in charge of deciding how the user interface will function, whereas UI designers are responsible for deciding how the user interface will look.
They decide how the interface is organized and how it functions. How everything is put together, and how each component relates to the others. Said they create the interface's functionality. The user will enjoy it if it functions effectively and feels frictionless. However, users are likely to have a bad experience if navigation is complicated or confusing. Agencies and UX designers attempt to prevent the second possibility.