
The Tata 1512 LPT Truck comes under ICV (Intermediate Commercial vehicle). It is manufactured with the latest technology, including GSA, reverse parking buzzer, multi-function instrument cluster features, white illumination facia, ignition switches, advanced fleet edge telematics system, etc. The most impressive features of the Tata 1512 BS6 truck are explained below.
Features of Tata 1512 BS6 Truck:
Please go through the following impressive features of the most popular Tata truck model: the Tata 1512 BS6-
It comes with 3.3L NG BSVI with an Inline water-cooled direct injection diesel engine with 4 engine cylinders.
It generates a power of 168 HP and a maximum torque of 390 NM.
It has a wheelbase of 4200 MM attached with 6 tyres for gaining its maximum speed.
Tata 1512 BS6 engine delivers an optimum mileage of 6 kmpl that saves your journey economically.
Its GVW is 16020 Kg, and its payload capacity is 10550 Kg.
It uses GBS- 40 GearBox with 5 Forward and 1 Reverse gear.
It follows manual transmission with Single plate dry friction type 330 mm dia clutch.
It has the Tilt & Telescope Power Steering system with dimensions of 426 MM dia.
Its fuel tank capacity is 160 Ltr., and its maximum gradeability is 21.84%.
Its price range starts from Rs. 22.45 Lakh to Rs. 24.56 Lakh*. Its on-road price may differ in various states of the country.
Tata LPT 1512 truck model is the best commercial vehicle for the purpose of transporting cargo materials over a longer distance. For getting more information related to the products of Tata Motors, you can visit the website of Truck Junction.