
Imagine not knowing that there were ancient temples in Cambodia, Peru, or Sudan just a decade ago! now you do
● Traveling can Broaden Perspectives -Travel allows us to see things with our own eyes that we would normally never know if we weren't traveling; especially traveling outside of our comfort zone (something I recommend everyone to do).
Imagine not knowing that there were ancient temples in Cambodia, Peru, or Sudan just a decade ago! now you do
● Help you develop your personality - traveling is great when it comes to personality development and you benefit from the experiences abroad that you have had throughout your life. For example, I've met some exotic guys on my travels. Even if they seemed a bit strange to me at first, I realized that I could learn a lot from them.
● Memories for a lifetime - During your travels you will also collect many memories that you will never forget throughout your life. As I look back on all the incredible things I have had the privilege of experiencing during my travels and the amazing people I have had the privilege of meeting, I can just say that some trips I will never forget and will be forever grateful for. These experiences will stand you in good stead throughout your life as you will know how to navigate different times in your life. Rather than just giving up, you're much more likely to recover from those bad things, knowing how beautiful life can be and that it's worth fighting for.
● You have an adventure -My wanderlust is driven by a thirst for adventure. I don't know why but I've always craved it since I was a kid! It's a major reason why travel is important to me. It's about independence, about taking control of my life, about going out and doing something different. For me, traveling means living. It sums up what it means to live life in a vibrant, engaging, and intense way.
● Might help in your career -A future employer might be impressed by your experience abroad, especially if you are applying for a job that involves other countries, such as. Marketing or Business Development. The skills you acquire, such as problem-solving, can be a bonus in the eyes of a potential employer.
Disadvantages .
● You are, if not millions, then thousands of miles from home, and honestly no one knows what would happen the next second.
● You may also suddenly miss some important events at home when you are away.
● It's also home sickening. When you travel for days, you end up missing home a lot.
● You can also fall behind professionally (if traveling is not your career). Of course, traveling is good for your CV, but you also have to catch up on work that you missed during the travel days.
● Traveling is also very tiring. You have to explore new places every day and at some point, you get sick and tired.
● You may also feel isolated from your friends and neighbors and whoever you have a deep relationship with.
● Last but not least, traveling gives you new experiences, but at the same time you invest a lot of time in that, so the time investment is also a factor.