
Vancouver, Toronto, and Edmonton are the most likely destinations for Canadian immigrants.
Vancouver, Toronto, and Edmonton have the highest retention rates for immigrants, according to a study published by Statistics Canada.
In order to establish policies that attract newcomers to a certain location, it is necessary to research where immigrants choose to reside.
We can discover what kind of locales immigrants find appealing and what variables influence their decision to stay or depart using mobility data. Statistics Canada recently published a report on the cities and regions where immigrants have lived the longest. Researchers used the 2020 Longitudinal Immigration Database, which is often used to study the economic impact of Canadian immigrants. For this study, they focused on immigrants who arrived in Canada in 2014.
Vancouver, Toronto, and Edmonton are three cities in Canada.
Immigrants who arrived in Vancouver in 2014 had the greatest retention percentage at the city level, with slightly more than 86 percent five years later. Another way to look at it is that 86 out of 100 people who moved to Vancouver in 2014 were still paying taxes in 2019.
With around 86 percent of these 2014 arrivals staying in the city five years later, Toronto had the second highest retention rate. With approximately 85% of the vote, Edmonton finished in third.
Compared to any other group of immigrants, family-sponsored immigrants were the most likely to stay in their planned city of entry. Immigrants in Canada can be classified in three ways: economic immigrants, refugees, and family-class immigrants sponsored by Canadians, often their spouses.
Halifax had the greatest retention percentage in Atlantic Canada, at approximately 58 percent. Atlantic Canada's historically low retention rate led to the creation of the Atlantic Immigration Pilot. With nearly 63 percent, Nova Scotia has the highest retention rate in the area.
Immigrants frequently return to the province where they worked prior to receiving PR.
Immigrants' decisions to migrate across areas are influenced by their employment or educational experience in Canada.
Employment appears to be a significant element in employee retention. Those with job experience who became permanent residents in 2014 were more likely to stay in the province or territory where they were admitted.
93 percent of refugees with prior employment experience remained in their province of admission. The retention percentage for those who just held work permits before becoming permanent residents was somewhat higher than 90%.
The retention rate for newcomers with job and study experience was around 81 percent. Immigrants who just had study permits before obtaining permanent residency had the lowest retention rates, at around 79%. Although students may relocate more frequently in search of work, this study did not look into the precise reasons why immigrants choose to relocate.
In general, most immigrants remain in the province or area where they were admitted.
Nearly 86 percent of immigrants in the research stayed in their home province or territory five years following entry. Overall, Ontario had the greatest retention rate, at almost 94%, followed by British Columbia at nearly 90%, and Alberta at 89 percent.
Those who have relatives in the province or area where they were admitted were more likely to stay. More than 93 percent of family-sponsored immigrants were retained after five years. Refugees stayed around 86 percent of the time, whereas economic immigrants stayed about 82 percent of the time.
In addition, the study discovered that immigrants were more inclined to relocate in the first few years after their entry. Immigrants who had been in Canada for ten years had a retention rate of approximately 86 percent, compared to roughly 88 percent for those who had been here for five years. Because the difference between the two timeframes is only 2%, the first five years appear to be more volatile.
At ten years, retention rates by province and immigrant class were identical to those seen at five years. The highest 10-year retention rates were found in Ontario (91.5 percent), British Columbia (87.3 percent), and Alberta (86.1 percent). At 58.0 percent, Nova Scotia has the highest retention rate of all the Atlantic provinces. The majority of refugees (92%) and those who merely held work permits prior to immigration (88.3%) stayed in the province or territory where they were admitted.
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