
Years ago when I was travelling in Amman, through the great Petra, as part of my trip to see the Dead Sea, I stumbled across a sign that caught my attention. It asked “When was the last time you did something for the first time?”. I jotted it down immediately. Several weeks ago, I saw it again, but this time at a chic art cafe near my apartment in Kochi. At that moment something evoked inside me, I felt a sense of resonation. I think it was because of where I am today, from the time between my encounter with the first sign and the second, I did a lot of firsts that changed my life for the better. From clicking my most-liked selfie on the Sydney Harbour dinner cruises to finally hitting the gym after years of excuses, I did many firsts in my life after so long.
As small as it gets
When we hear ‘try something new’ we automatically think of jumping out of aeroplanes or riding the biggest rollercoaster man has ever built. But that’s not even close to what it actually means. It doesn’t always have to be big to be significant. Reading was something I dreaded ever since I was in school. It’s funny because the subjects I took demanded I read outside the syllabus at times. Nevertheless, reading was something that became a habit not long ago. The pandemic really makes you do bizarre things! But it turned out to be something I needed - I work as a writer now so reading is pretty much mandatory if I’m ever to succeed. But that ain’t it. I was late to realise that reading is actually fun. It limited my smartphone usage, boosted my serotonin and confidence, and trust me when I tell you this, I sleep better now.
Versus the devil
My early twenties was a nightmare. I was a walking chimney, smoking at least a pack a day, especially during my college days. Now? You guessed it. I haven’t touched a cigarette in over 28 months. It’s possible that an external stimulus had something to do with it, but be that as it may, it’s still a hurdle I struggled to jump past for several years in my life. I started out small, reducing it by the numbers, marking my small victories, before eventually throwing it away for good. Safe to say that I reaped the benefits of my own action - I’m now healthier, look better, have good breath, and can play football for more than 90 minutes. Proud? Absolutely. Was it easy? Absolutely not.
Love at second sight
I travel as much as I can during my time off from work. When I visited Sydney for the first time I only stayed for a couple of nights and never really left the CBD (Central Business District). It was a decent trip, nothing extraordinary. Years later, my friend Kendrick invited me to the Emerald City once again. He took me out on a Sydney Harbour cruise for dinner, and said he’ll show me a side of Sydney he’s never seen before.
Just as the vessel slowly started moving away from the wharf, I was greeted by exceptional night views of the city skyline, which included icons like the Opera House, Harbour Bridge, Luna Park and more. I’ve never seen such a mesmerising sight before, instantly drew out the camera and clicked tons of photos, in which one of ‘em got the most likes on the ‘gram! After my mind had returned from the little ride it went on his own, it was now time for my tastebuds to do the same! The food was out of this world, including the dessert, which now that I think about it, was actually a slice of heaven! It’s a first-time experience I’d cherish forever!