
Eligibility to Apply for a Visitor Visa from India - Aptech Visa
Look no farther than Canada if you're looking for a place to visit as the holiday season approaches! Whether you're travelling alone or with your family, Canada is the ideal spot for a beautiful white Christmas or a winter wonderland getaway.
We'll lead you through our tourist guide for your holiday in Canada so you may have a fantastic time.
Free Canada Immigration Assessment Form
How should you travel in Canada?
Most foreign citizens need a visitor visa or a temporary residency visa to enter Canada legally. If you complete all of the requirements, you will be handed a document to keep in your passport.
How can I obtain a visitor's visa for Canada?
1. Determine whether you are eligible to visit Canada.
The following requirements must be met:
• have a valid travel document, such as a passport; be in excellent health; and have no criminal or immigration-related convictions.
• persuade an immigration officer that you have ties to your home country, such as a job, a home, financial assets, or family, that will allow you to return;
• have sufficient funds to cover your stay; and
• The amount of money you'll need is determined by how long you'll be staying and whether you'll be staying in a hotel or with friends or family.
2. Make sure you have all of the necessary documentation to indicate you qualify for the COVID-19 travel exemption.
Document - When do you think you’ll Need It?
When you arrive in Canada, show proof of immunization to a border services officer.
Proof of a negative Result of COVID-19 test - Air travel when you board your flight to Canada, shows the airline staff. The airline will not allow you to board if you do not present a negative test result at check-in. Traveling by land when you arrive at a Canadian land point of entry, show a border services officer your passport. The border services officer will not let you enter Canada until you have a negative test result.
Show your Arrive CAN receipt to the border services officer when you arrive in Canada (electronic or paper)
Submit your travel history with your visa application.
Submit itineraries with your visa application.
Account statement is required to be submitted with the visa application.
Submit your identity papers along with your visa application.
3. Fill out an application for a travel visa.
An online application for a travel visa is available. Remember that producing electronic copies of your document will require the usage of a camera or scanner. You'll also need a valid credit or debit card.
4. Provide your fingerprints as well as a photograph.
If you are applying for the first time, you must supply your biometrics unless you are exempt. Your biometrics may still be valid if you've already completed them. To find out what's going on, use the Check Status tool.
You can get more information from Canada immigration advisors in Delhi if you need it.
For more info, please Call: +91-7503832132, +91-9131059075, Write to us at: or Fill Free Canada Immigration Assessment Form