What is a cloud telephony Software?
What is a cloud telephony Software?
Cloud Telephony is the communications technology where all communication devices and applications are hosted at the service provider’s premises.

What is a cloud telephony Software?

As the name suggests, Cloud Telephony software is the communications technology where all communication devices and applications are hosted at the service provider’s premises. Any business interested in using these services does not need to install any software or buy any hardware to get the services started. The service can be an IVR, call center setup, call recording, virtual number or call forwarding. These services can be started on a traditional phone, mobile or a computer system i.e. desktop, laptop or tablet. It works via two networks

  • PSTN – Many countries do not allow the mixing of IP and PSTN calls like India and Middle East countries. These countries use PSTN based cloud Telephony solution
  • IP – The cloud telephony services are delivered via the internet. Some countries such as United States have internet linked calling or are VoIP enabled, for providing Cloud Telephony services.

Why businesses use Cloud Telephony?

01 Instant setup & business process continuity Cloud setup can be done in 24 hours or less entire call centers can be moved to remote working solutions in a few hours.

02 No hardware or maintenance costs. No installation or maintenance costs – all you have to do is subscribe to the cloud service 

03 Easy Integrations Integrate with other cloud software solutions such as Salesforce, Hubspot, Zoho, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Slack to boost productivity, streamline workflows, personalize calls & chats, unify customer data, and boost customer experience.

04 Add new channels with ease Phone calls are not enough for today’s customer! Cloud telephony lets you respond on the latest digital channels such as SMS, WhatsApp, or Twitter.


05 Reports & Insights Cloud telephony typically ensures more reports & insights including live dashboards with real time information on all calls made or held, duration, agents with maximum calls and maximum call time.