
Generally, smartphones that already use super Amoled screens have a higher price when compared to TFT or IPS screens. Therefore, it is highly recommended to take care of cellphone screens that use this type of screen properly and correctly.
Some of the advantages of this type of screen include saving battery power, having a thin surface, and being able to produce colors with better quality.
So it's not surprising that a cellphone that already uses this type of screen will be priced quite expensive, with an average lowest price in the range of 2.5 million.
In connection with the topic of this article, on this occasion the editor will provide tips on how to take care of cellphone screens that already use super Amoled screens so that they last longer and can last longer.
How to Take Care of the Super Amoled Screen
As the editorial team summarizes from various sources, there are a number of steps or tips that can be taken so that cellphone screens that use super Amoled screens can last longer.
The following is a detailed explanation of the steps or tips in question.
Use Minimum Brightness
So that super AMOLED screens last longer and are not easily damaged, it is highly recommended to use the minimum brightness level possible.
It is recommended to set the screen brightness level to less than a maximum of only 50%. Besides making the screen more durable, it also makes the eyes more comfortable when looking at the screen.
Avoid Exposure to Sunlight
For the next tip, so that the super Amoled screen on your cellphone lasts and lasts a long time, is to avoid exposing the surface of your cellphone screen to direct sunlight during the day when it's hot.
If it requires you to open your smartphone outdoors during the day when the weather is hot, it's best to protect the screen surface by hand to block direct sunlight from hitting your cellphone screen.
Use Anti Scratch or Tempered Glass
Even though super AMOLED screens are generally equipped with corning gorilla glass protection, to maximize screen protection, it's a good idea to install anti-scratch or tempered glass.
With extra protection like this, when your cellphone is scratched, dropped or something like that, it won't directly affect the surface of the screen.
Routine Clean From Dust
If you are the type of user who is active or often does outdoor activities, then it is highly recommended to regularly clean the surface of your cellphone screen from dirt or adhering dust.
Use a soft cloth and wipe gently so as not to damage the surface of the screen. Do this cleaning at least once a week so that the screen remains clean and the screen sensitivity is maintained.
Avoid Contact With Magnets
One of the things that must be considered by users or cellphone owners who use super AMOLED screens is to avoid direct contact with the surface of the screen with the magnet.
In some cases, when the cellphone screen is in direct contact with a magnetic field for a long time, it will make the screen striped and black spots appear.
Other Tips
In addition to some of the tips that the editorial team has provided above, to keep your cellphone screen that uses a super AMOLED type screen durable, you can apply the following tips:
Use a dark theme or dark mode
Change wallpaper often
Avoid touching the screen with fingernails
If splashed with water, dry or wipe immediately
Do not put the cellphone in the screen position below
This is information from the editor regarding some tips or ways to take care of cellphone screens that use super AMOLED screens so that they last longer and can last longer.
We hope that the information provided by the editorial staff in this article will be useful for all of you and can add to your insight and knowledge.
Important References: