
Making a game app that is highly successful and profitable is not easy. You have to know the tricks of trade. Let us help.
How to create a successful gaming app?
Making a gaming app has become the latest trend in the mobile game development service space. In the 2 years when people were confined to their homes because of the COVID-driven quarantine, gaming apps saw an unprecedented rise.
A number of gaming app statistics came into the picture highlighting the importance of making a game app.
25% of the iOS apps and 21% of Android apps downloaded on devices are games
Gaming apps make up for 43% of smartphone usage
62% of the people install a game on their phone in the first week of purchasing it
78% of the gamers are Android users
The active number of global mobile gamers is more than 2.2 billion
57.9% of the games that are played across devices are puzzle games
Women, more than men, spend money on in-game content