
You switch on your systems. Open that same old website to apply to the same old job. Fill in your details, work experience, tick that box of accepting terms and conditions and finally, after spending 15 minutes on one application, you click on the submit option. You repeat this process to call the jobs you come across, and lastly, when it gets tiring, you close the system hoping for a response. A response which either never comes or takes more than a week!
If this has been your lifestyle lately, don’t worry. You are not alone. In fact, this is the story of everyone searching for work. It is tiring, time-taking and stressful. But, this is a mistake most people are making. Applying to the job is not just filling a form but requires building the skills and making a diverse network.
It is tough to gain good exposure and experience. People are still unaware about how to apply, what are the opportunities, freelance jobs online, internships nearby etc.
Most job-seeking platforms provide you with the job application, but there is hardly any focus for ensuring authenticity and considering behavioural skills. This is where the GoodSpace app steps in.
You are right! The GoodSpace app is just like its name - a good space for you to create an authentic, eye-catching profile and attract the jobs you’ve been long waiting for. Here is how it works: