
For adding people in rootsmagic 8 software. Enter the first and middle name of the person you want to add. Select the person Sex details.
Adding People, Spouse, Child or Parents in RootsMagic Software
Adding a new individual is an easy task in RootsMagic 8. You have to follow the mentioned steps
- Given names – Enter the first and middle name of the person you want to add.
- Surname – Enter the last name of the person you want to add. For females enter the maiden (unmarried name).
- Sex – Select the person Sex details. For Male type M and type F for Female.
- Prefix – Enter the prefix name. (Like Dr)
- Suffix – Enter the text that should follow the person’s name (Like PhD)
- Nickname – Enter the name the person was familiar with.
- Dates – Enter the person “Date of Birth,” “Date of Death,” and “Burial.”
- Places –Enter the person “Birth, Date and “Death place”.
- Death Description – If you know the cause of death of the person, enter it.
- After that, Click OK to create a new person or click Cancel without adding the person.
- When you add a person after filing all the information and click on add button then if the RootsMagic software will compare that on its database and if it find any duplicate entry then it will let you know about that. You may continue add new person it there is no duplicate person in your tree.
- If it gets any duplicate entry then you can edit that person at the same time and return to the main screen after edit the person.