Are Smart Wireless Thermostats Economical and Cheap?
Are Smart Wireless Thermostats Economical and Cheap?
Heating Ventilation and conditioning systems are a necessary part of modern homes, especially if you live in a region that is extremely cold/hot or experiences weather conditions that change

Are Smart Wireless Thermostats Economical and Cheap?

Heating Ventilation and conditioning systems are a necessary part of modern homes, especially if you live in a region that is extremely cold/hot or experiences weather conditions that change over the year; In such cases, the thermostat device plays the crucial function of maintaining the temperature inside a home. You'd find a thermostat mounted on a wall in the hallway of a home or a central place, requiring you to turn the knob and set the temperature you desire. If you have a traditional radiator thermostat, this needs to be done manually, at several points during the day, and for each room individually if you need to set different temperatures for them. However, more innovative alternatives to old-school thermostats are now available in the market, such as a Smart Wireless Radiator thermostat.

About Smart Wireless Radiator

The Smart Wireless Radiator thermostat allows you to control your radiator heating with many advanced features you wouldn't find in Traditional systems that make temperature control simpler, easier, and hassle-free and your living much more comfortable. And their Unique Selling Proposition is that none of the controlling needs to be done manually. Smart thermostats allow you to control, adjust, and program temperatures remotely over a smartphone app or the central thermostat device.

There are many smart features that the digital smart thermostats possess, which you'll find mentioned below, but there comes the question of cost. If you were to consider the cost of the traditional and smart thermostats, you'd find that the basic thermostats are available at much lower prices. Smart Thermostats and wireless ones are relatively expensive compared to the traditional ones, no denying. Still, they are much more economical and efficient at saving you from the headache of temperature control and saving energy and money spent in paying your bills.

Think of all the energy bills you have to pay having to leave your HVAC system on while you're away at work or come back home to a cold house if you are turning it off for the duration. Smart thermostats are a much more efficient system that can help you save heating and cooling costs considerably over the years by letting you customize heating for times during the day or night when you need it and when you don't.

What Makes Wireless Thermostats Cheap?

 Let's look at what exactly makes them cheap and economical –

Eco feature 

Smart thermostats can set themselves on eco mode when you want them to. Basically, with eco features, you can select a range of temperatures that the thermostat will adhere to while the spaces are not in active use, such as when you are away or sleeping. The smart thermostat will ensure that you are not wasting energy and saving up on your electricity bills all year round with the eco feature.


Good at heating

Smart Wireless Radiator thermostats are not just good at heating but also smart. With the eco mode or the setback feature, you can have your home heated at a certain level when you are away if you have pets, indoor plants, etc., for their comfort. This gives you the best of both worlds, you find your home adequately heated when you arrive and don't waste heating unnecessarily when you are away. 


Advanced heating control 

Modern radiators come equipped with advanced heating control. Smart radiator valves such as Tado let you control the temperature in different rooms and during other times of the day. The system works by syncing the radiator valves in each room to the smart radiator, allowing each valve to act as its temperature monitor. Each valve controls the flow of hot water so that each room can be heated at the desired temperature.

Multi-zone heating

The advanced heating control also allows you to heat different rooms or zones of your home at specific temperatures at specific times of the day, so you get multi-zone heating and don't waste energy on the room's no one's using. Multi-zone heating can be tailored according to your schedule and controlled simply from the app or voice control.

Why should you invest in wireless thermostats?

If you have a traditional radiator system, it means you either have a single central radiator valve which you can only turn on or off and maintain a uniform temperature in your entire home, or you may have individual control in each of the rooms, which means you'll have to monitor these manually and separately for each room. 

Either way, you don't have the liberty to set back the temperature when spaces are not in use. Smart Wireless Radiator thermostat promises to set the comfortable temperature for your home much easier with the intelligent features, all of which require just a little bit of an investment at once. 


You can enjoy the greater functional utility of the smart device as soon as you install it and reap the benefits of energy and cost-saving over the long term. If you can make the purchase once, which is quite affordable too, and save thousands down the road, we think it's worth it, and you should invest in the technology.

You can explore the tado° smart home integration for your home, which is a single system compatible with most brands, efficient at climate control devices, as well as energy saving. What's more? It works with the most common smart home platforms and can be controlled via voice command.

Find out more about the Tado° Wireless Smart thermostat here.