
How to Find Out Who Blocked Me on Twitter
Why did I get blocked from using this wonderful site called Twitter? Sometimes I wonder myself. The solution to my problem was not a long story but, I had to get creative to figure out what I did wrong. In fact, there are many reasons why a person gets blocked from a social media site such as Twitter. If you are wondering whether you too could be blocked or not, this article is for you. buy edu email accounts
Find out: What happened 3 hours ago? One morning, I realized that I had tweet posted something about Instagram and this sentence was on my direct message list. So, I decided to read the post again and this sentence wasn't there anymore. Was it gone? Yes, it was gone, I noticed that it was gone and so I decided to take a look at my direct messages again.
What I found was a lot of people had blocked me. There were quite a number of people with the same problem, which made it even more frustrating. This also revealed the fact that there are several reasons why someone may be blocking you from one of the most popular social networking sites today. Once I had realized that it is because I was blocking someone, I set out to find out who blocked me. buy edu email paypal
Tap into the power of the internet: I went online to search for the reason why I was blocked and realized it was due to an application. It was Instinctive blocking. This is a type of application which blocks you from doing certain functions on the internet. Instinctive blocking stops you from using a particular application which is in itself good because it helps you to protect your computer system. The problem is that you won't know that the reason why you are being stopped from doing certain functions is because of a malicious application which has been installed on your iPhone or iPad.
This led me to the conclusion that the reason why the notification area of your iPhone or iPad is suddenly becoming very small and dark is because it has been infected with a virus or a hacker. I removed the infection and my device was back to normal. So, how did I remove the blockage from my notification area? Tap into the knowledge of internet technology: I turned to some of the more advanced tutorials on the internet which show you how to remove a malicious application. I managed to remove the "My Security iPhone" application and my devices got back to normal again.
Now that I had identified the reason for my Twitter block, I could go ahead and find out why I was being blocked. It turns out that I had actually been blocked from sending direct messages to someone in particular. What this means is that I could no longer send an individual a message like "hey" or "hi" on my Twitter or Facebook. Instead I had to send the tweet as "please remember" or "try hard not to bump into me". Apparently, the "block" function had blocked me because I had used the "direct messages" feature on my Twitter interface.
After performing some quick research, I discovered that this function can be enabled and disabled using a single switch. To enable it, tap into the "general settings" section and select the option "block known users". To make sure that the switch is turned off properly, go to the "Settings" app and tap the word "blocks". If you have just changed your settings recently (a day or two ago), you may need to re-key some values as default values.
When someone blocks you on Twitter, a notification will show up in your Twitter stream. If you are reading this article, that probably means that you blocked someone! This post has detailed information about how to find out who blocked you, what to do next, and where you can restore your account. If you are wondering whether someone blocked you, all you have to do is perform a search in your TwitPic account and take a snapshot of the page where the blocked person's Twitter link is posted. You will then be able to see which Twitterverse you were linked to and what account they were posting from. This trick will also let you know who else might have been blocked.