
Home inspection in Rumson
If you're looking for a Home inspection in Rumson then we provide ground penetration radar & home radon measurement services in Mercer, Ocean & Monmouth Counties.
Why Choose Us?
- Licensed and Insured
- Reports delivered within 24 hours
- Weekend Appointments Available
- Evening Appointments Available
- Easy to read reports with photographs
- Inspections Available 7 Days a Week
- NACHI Member
- Certified, professionally trained inspectors
Step By Step Home Inspection is fully licensed and insured.
Ground Penetration Radar
Locating underground utilities and oil tanks. Improperly abandoned oil tanks create financial hardship for new buyers.
Radon Measurement
According to NJ Department of Environmental Protection, radon is a radioactive gas that comes from the breakdown of naturally occurring uranium in soil and rock. It is invisible, odorless and tasteless, and can only be detected by specialized tests. Radon enters homes through openings that are in contact with the ground, such as cracks in the foundation, small openings around pipes, and sump pits.
Serving: Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean Counties in New jersey.
Contact Us:-
PHONE: (732) 692-9542
Addresses: 20 Kimberly Court Suite 159Red Bank, N.J. 07701
P.O. Box 90-6 Hunt St.Rumson, N.J. 07760-9998
P.O. Box 169-92 Norwood Ave.Deal, N.J. 07723-9998
P.O. Box 190-10 Crawfordsville CornerHolmdel, N.J. 07733