Name Yogesh Kumar
Gender Male
Location Jaipur
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Yogesh Kumar is a Digital Marketing Manager with more than 7 years of experience. He grew up in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and completed his Master's degree from a reputed university. With his passion for writing, he delivers many informative articles and blogs in software development. That help many people to improve their knowledge in the IT, app, and web development sector. He likes to cook in his free time and discover new recipes.

joined at 3 years ago

    Website Redesign in 2022: Reasons, Process, Cost

    In 2022, a modest redesign of a website should cost around $25,000, and a s...

    • yogesh

    Challenges of Real Estate App Development

    3D virtual tours, AI chatbots, street views, & advanced search are the...

    • yogesh

    Why Start-ups Need AI-empowered App Solutions To Stay C...

    Using AI with your apps can invite myriad benefits for better and more secu...

    • yogesh

    Is the PHP Programming Language Still Good in 2022?

    Many popular websites are built using the PHP programming language. More th...

    • yogesh

    How much does it cost to Create and Maintain a Business...

    App development today has become every entrepreneur's dream. But how much d...

    • yogesh

    10 Best Apps for Intermittent Fasting in 2022

    Best Intermittent fasting apps are beneficial for a healthy life. Choose th...

    • yogesh