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    Leading towards SocialFi DeFi and Web 3 era

    With the introduction of NFTs, altcoins, and the Metaverse all making headl...

    • atifmalik

    Social Media and Decentralized Search Engine QTC

    Some popular social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and almost al...

    • atifmalik

    What is Decentralization - Qitcoin QTC || Qitchain

    Decentralization is the movement of authority from a central unit to a more...

    • atifmalik

    Common Mistakes Homeowners Make When It Comes to Their...

    It's essential to take care of your foundation; it holds up the whole house...

    • atifmalik

    15 Projects That Pay You Back by Adding Value to Your H...

    Not all remodeling projects will give you a return on your investment. Many...

    • atifmalik

    Why Putting Off Foundation Repairs is a Bad Idea

    However, there are many reasons why putting off foundation repair is never...

    • atifmalik

    Mold Outgrowth: The Most Likely Places to Spot It

    Mold growth is not only unsightly, but it can also be dangerous to your hea...

    • atifmalik

    Get Rid of Mold: 8 Solutions to Kill and Prevent Outgro...

    Mold is a prevalent problem that impacts many homes. It can cause allergic...

    • atifmalik