Name Sangeeta Relan
Gender Female
Location India
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Since her journey that began 28 years ago as an educator at a university level, Sangeet Relan has come a long way. Through her life, she developed the belief that a woman's life journey is never devoid of obstacles.

joined at 3 years ago

    Navratri Saree Colour- Nine Days, Nine Sarees, But Mult...

    Navratri is the festival of India that marks celebrating various forms of G...

    • abouther

    Plagued by Self-Doubt- Here are Some Tips You can Follo...

    When you are faced with new and challenging situations, it is very normal t...

    • abouther

    Take a Dig into The Topics Related to Books and The Boo...

    From books on the railway stations to corners, the book service counters ha...

    • abouther