
Maximum output current:2Ap
Bandwidth (-3dB): DC~3MHz
ATA-1372A is an ideal single-channel wide band amplifier that can amplify the AC and DC signals. Maximum differential output voltage 70Vp-p (±35Vp),output peak current2A, matching with the mainstream signal generator, realize perfect signal amplification.
The input is BNC interface of rear panel,Input waveform amplitude 0~10Vp-p(MAX),input resistance 50Ω and 10KΩ perfect matching with high and low internal resistance signal.
The output is binding post of front panel Rout ≤(2Ω+0.4μH) .
LCD Displays
ATA-1372A is provided with LCD to display the equipment state and parameters dynamically, the operation interface is clear at a glance, concise and easy to understand.
Voltage Gain
The voltage gain of ATA-1372A wide band amplifier is variable (x0~40, 0.1step/1step), so that the customer can adjust it quickly as needed.
Application Fields
Electronic teaching experiment
Magnetization characteristic (B-H curve) measurement of magnetic material
Sonar system
Ultrasonic test
EMC signal injection