
Pet scratching, nibbling or biting is the scenario that most pet parents normally see in their pets, and this worries them thinking fleas may be responsible for this. However, usually apart from fleas, there are various other factors that make your pet scratch or bite. Itchy skin of your pet can be due to some issues like allergies, skin diseases, ear problems and some other conditions. However, looking for fleas to confirm the possibility is better rather than leaving this factor to end up with flea infestation. Because, if this problem is not addressed in the first place, they can multiply and lead your pet to various flea-infested conditions apart from flea allergy dermatitis and secondary skin diseases. Not to rule out that your entire house along with the surrounding can be the breeding place of fleas.
So, how can you find in the first place whether your pet is suffering from fleas or there is some other reason for the itchiness?
First of all the best way to find the fleas on your dog or cat is to look for these creatures on the coat. Fleas are dark-brown or black colored tiny creatures. You need to look for flea dirt as well as fleas themselves. Flea dirt can be seen as small black specks of grit. Normally, fleas prefer to crawl around the parts of the animal’s skin and in white fur, you can spot them easily.
To scrutinize more deeply, the most important places to look for fleas are back of the ears, where the hair is less like abdomen. The best place the fleas like to dwell is over the lower back, in front of the tail. If you want to see those fleas or their dried digested blood, then simply part the fur over the lower back. Carry on this in the several areas through your pet’s coat.
If you find the flea population in these areas, it proves that your pet is infested with fleas. To control these fleas, you need to treat your dog or cat with flea and tick control products available in the market. Some of these medications are nexgard, bravecto and advantage.