
What do you think? Why is your cat facing difficulty while breathing? It may be a sign of some infection in your cat. You might be worried as your feline is not showing the same enthusiasm that she used to show in regular days. Your cat may be infected by lungworm. Few things you need to know about the lungworm infection.
About Lungworm
Hair-shaped looking worms are small but are capable of a causing a great damage to a cat’s lungs. The size of lungworm ranges from one to eight centimeters in length. The size of female lungworms is long compared to male.
Female Lungworm- about 9mm
Male Lungworm- about 4-7mm
Adult lungworms can remain for around 2 years in the lungs and produce the larvae that can be seen in their feces.
Cat Lungworm:
There are many parasites that you may or may not be aware of that affect your feline and causing a serious harm to their respiratory system. Lungworm is one of those parasites. Lungworm is found in small arteries of lungs and airways in your feline.
Lungworm Found In Cats
Aelurostrongylus abstrusus
Eucoleus aerophilus
Process Of Lungworm Infection In Cat
When a cat consumes any contaminated food or water or any infected small animals like birds, lizards or frog, they get this infection. As soon as the cat eats them the lungworm larvae finds its way to lungs by passing through the gut wall. This process takes around 8 days. The larvae get mature in the lungs and lay their eggs in airways and lung tissue.
Some Prevalent Facts About Cat Lungworm
Cats that are easily accessible to slugs or snails are more likely to get infected with lungworm.
Hunting cats have the high chances of getting this infection if they consume any contaminated food or water or eat infected rats, lizard, mice or frogs.
Signs Of Lungworms
Lungworm causes a serious harm to the lungs and respiratory system. Not many cats show the symptoms of lungworm infection but the symptoms are seen in long run that is between 6 to 12 weeks. They are:
Constant coughing
short breathing
Nasal release
weight loss
Why is lungworm dangerous?
As mentioned above the lungworm can do a great damage to the feline’s lung tissue and respiratory system.
An infected cat remains larvae infective for around 2 years and it also creates the contaminated environment for other cats too.
At an initial stage, you may not see any symptoms in cats. As the time passes you will observe the symptoms.
It is advisable to consult your vet if you see one or more symptoms mentioned above.
Your vet will give the appropriate recommendation of what treatment to be carried on to protect your cat. If the infection is not major your vet may suggest you to keep a regular check on your cat and let it naturally eradicate the worms.
Some preventive measures
Preventive measures are the best way to protect your cat that consists:
Prevent the hunting behavior in cats
Regular cleaning of feces of your cat
Keep the cat inside especially during the dusk and dawn and avoid their access to contaminated food or water
Give them a balanced diet
Use preventive products
The above mentioned information regarding the lungworms will help you to take the suitable steps when you observe any particular symptoms in your cat.