
Before you start your hunt, it is necessary to understand your pet’s skin type. Is it oily or dry, itchy or pungent? Or do you want to use it for any relative medical condition or grooming purpose? We have prepared an exclusive guide with different sets of commonly used pet shampoos that can help you make the right choice for your fur friend.
Cleansing Shampoo
Dogs and cats with normal skin and coat without any medical conditions are the easiest to find an appropriate shampoo. These products are termed as ‘shampoo and conditioner’ in any pet store that washes out any dirt on their skin and improves your pet’s odor. The price ranges from low-cost to expensive grooming pet care shampoos.
Medicated Shampoo
Dogs or cats with dry and itchy skin need specially-designed grooming products that improve their medical conditions. Some of the medicated shampoos are reported with unfavorable reactions and may worsen the existing condition. Therefore, it is necessary to seek advice from your veterinarian before using this type of shampoos on your pet.
Natural Shampoo
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