Lectade Liquid Concentrate is generally used as an oral rehydration therapy. It is an oral, non-antibiotic supportive treatment for scouring or dehydrated dogs, cats, calves, pigs, lambs, and foals. Get affordable pet supplies products at the best price with DiscountPetCare today.
Lectade Liquid Concentrate is generally used as an oral rehydration therapy. It is an oral, non-antibiotic supportive treatment for scouring or dehydrated dogs, cats, calves, pigs, lambs, and foals. Glucose and glycine are actively absorbed by the intestinal tract causing water and sodium to be absorbed simultaneously with these nutrients, ensuring a high degree of rehydration in scouring and dehydrated dogs and cats, calves, pigs, lambs, and foals. Get affordable pet supplies products at the best price with DiscountPetCare today.