
Modafinilis a wakefulness promoting agent used to treat excessive sleepiness due tonarcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea and shift work sleep disorder. Modafinil isa highly selective dopamine reuptake inhibitor, it increases the amount ofdopamine in the brain and improves wakefulness. It is also classified as acognitive enhancer. You should only take Modafinil for sleep disorder,it does not take place of getting enough sleep and should not be used to treattiredness or hold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder. Thedownside of the medicine is that it sometimes leads to Modafinil addiction.Before you buy Modafinil online, discuss all the benefits and risks with you doctor.
How to use Modafinil?
Firstly,read all the instructions in the medication guide provided. For narcolepsy andsleep apnea, it is recommended to take Modafinil dose once daily in themorning, with or without food. Your doctor may also divide your daily dose intoa morning dose and a noon dose. If you are using Modafinil for shift work sleepdisorder, then you can have your dose 1 hour before your work shift. Take themedication regularly to get maximum benefits, if you suddenly stop themedication than you might have unpleasant withdrawal symptoms like nausea,chills, vomiting and sweating. Your doc will slowly reduce the dose beforeending the treatment. Though, Modafinil use has helped many people butit also have some side effects. Tell your doctor right away if you experiencefast/irregular heartbeat, agitation, confusion, depression or hallucinations.
Druginteraction may change the way medication works or increase the risk of sideeffects. Modafinil can decrease the effectiveness of birth control pills andcan cause pregnancy. Ask your doctor for reliable birth control methods thatyou can use while you are on the medication. Using Modafinil with cough andcold medicine can raise your heart rate or blood pressure. Avoid takingcaffeine and caffeine beverages as it can increase the side effects of Modafinil. Modafinil is very similar toArmodafinil, so do not take any medication that contains Armodafinil. Othermedications that can interact with Modafinil are anti-seizure medication,antidepressants, blood-thinning agents and cholesterol reducing agents. Informyour doctor if you are on any such medication while using Modafinil.
This is how you can buy Modafinil online
If you don’t want to visit any pharmacy store than youhave an option to buy Modafinil online without leaving the comfort ofyour home. All you need to do is select the best, trusted and reliable pharmacywebsite, once you have selected, you will have to upload a copy of yourprescription and select the dose strength prescribed to you and at last selectthe mode of payment. You can pay via credit card; all your details will be keptconfidential. If you still don’t find it convenient than you can order ModafinilCOD. Online pharmacies have made it easy for customers to buytheir medicines saving their time, money and energy.