
Running is an exercise that athletes follow, but it’s also an integral part of everyone’s daily lifestyle. Running activity helps you to stay fit and keeps your health issues under control. But, running injuries cannot be stable; you are all fine without pain on some days. Then there are some days when the pain is unbearable. This is a common issue that an athlete must be facing.
Whether your pain is worse or bearable, the simplest way to stop the pain is to stop the running activity for a few days. Sometimes it also means taking complete rest for a week. Here is another list of things that you can do if you are going through a running injury:
Apply an ice-pack to the injured area for 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times daily.
If you have swollen legs, you can use compression stockings that will help reduce the swelling. We recommend you to use Novomed Shop’s Sigvaris Compression stockings.
Try elevating the part that is injured.
You can also have a painkiller tablet, but it is better to take a piece of medical advice before taking any medication.
Try to determine the cause of the injury that could be a muscle, and visit a doctor rather than fixing it on your own.
Physical therapy can be one of the best ways to ease running injuries.
If the pain prevails for more than 15 to 20 days, we suggest you take medical advice.
Also, if you have to stand or sit for long hours, you should wear compression stockings. If you are suffering from stiff and aching legs, you need to use compression stockings as they provide your feet the warmth it needs and ensure smooth blood circulation.