
For offices that were essential and remained open through the coronavirus pandemic, there were many disinfecting, and sanitizing protocols added. As more people have become vaccinated and re-openings ramp up, the question is, how many of them should continue? In Manhattan, which was hard hit early in the pandemic, NYC office cleaning service was suddenly on the front lines. Many contractors have adapted and learned to make disinfecting and sanitizing a part of their everyday work. In some cases, it brings additional costs, but in others, it's more a case of using antimicrobial products in place of others.
People's peace of mind is a critical component, and when they enter an office that is cleaned and disinfected to the highest standards, they feel better. Those good feelings count toward greater employee productivity and making a better impression on customers. The point is to get people's focus back to business and away from pandemic-related distractions, and excellent office cleaning service can help. Workplace psychologists know that removing distractions and sources of anxiety can be among the most potent ways to improve people's work. When an office smells clean and fresh, it also helps.
Because cleaning contractors typically work after office hours, they rarely interact with your employees. But their impact is significant. Make sure you declutter your office to make their work more effective if there was a build-up of clutter during the pandemic chaos. Restoring a sense of normalcy will be helpful in all areas. Don't forget conference rooms and other areas that can tend to house clutter when people are hurrying and not putting things away. If you're in facilities management, you'll want to work closely with HVAC contractors on system filtration. Better filters can reduce airborne germs levels of all kinds.
Expensive and delicate surfaces such as wood furniture and marble floors at your office need to be thoroughly cleaned and polished – but with care and the right products. Experienced and well-equipped janitorial services know how to do the job right and keep your expensive items well maintained. In a rush to disinfect and sanitize, the needs of these unique elements cannot be overlooked. With the price of furniture and renovations, you can't afford an office cleaning service that damages things because they lack knowledge. Select carefully when you choose a contractor.