
Advantages of Taxi Dispatch Center
In the taxibusiness it is important to understand that one of the ways to gaincompetitiveness on the harsh taxi market is the information of the operationsthat allows for a better efficiency in
operating taxiservices.
Our company hasequipped the GDMBPO Taxi dispatch center that operates non-stop, 24 hours
a day, 365 daysa year. Dispatch center faces periods with a high number of customer calls.Customer calls, both stationary and mobile, are distributed to dispatchers inaccordance with protocol. The program assures, that the customer, that calledfirst, is the first one to be served. Call center allocates calls to one ormore dispatchers based on even agent load.
Advantages ofTaxi Dispatch Center
This feature isenabled by the Call center software in connection with a professionalcommunication server Siemens Hipath. Orders gained this way are then handedover to the taxi drivers by the GDMBPO All the conversations are recorded toensure a better service quality. In smaller taxi dispatch offices, the phoneconversations are recorded by the GDMBPO recording system, and in larger taxidispatch centers the use of GDMBPO professional is advised.
Call recordinggives the dispatcher a chance to double-check the received taxi order, if inthe times of high call density, a fact is misheard. Call recording can alsohelp in handling customer complaints and supervising the quality ofdispatcher's service. The main part of the dispatch center ICT is the taxi ridedatabase, that is used by the program GDMBPO Taxidispatch center. This program allows easy invoicing of companies with acontract for taxi services.
The GDMBPOdispatch program notify dispatchers regarding pre-orders on time. The programis directly connected to the telecommunication network so that it canautomatically retrieve and store the caller’s numbers. This enables an easycallback in case of complication with the order. If the taxis are equipped witha suitable GPS device, it is possible to directly oversee the state ofindividual vehicles over the region, covered by the taxi company.