
In the vast majority of situations, joint custody, also known as shared custody, is by far the best choice for all parties concerned. Making arrangements for shared child custody is not just a lot easier than some long-running conflicts, but it is also a lot cheaper.
Let's be honest - most of us aren't millionaires, and attorneys aren't cheap these days. It is also in the best interests of the children for such issues to be swiftly resolved so that everyone may go on with their life.
Unfortunately, shared child custody isn't always the best option, and it may not be an option at all if things become very bad. If at all possible, you should prioritize shared custody. According to research, children who have constant touch with both parents recover from divorce far faster. Clearly, it is also critical for a youngster to have two role models rather than just one.
For example, many boys have been reported to experience issues later in life if they have lost contact with their father totally and permanently. Joint child custody is unquestionably the healthiest option for the children. However, it can be tough for the parent at times.
While shared custody agreements are typically preferred in court, it is not always possible to have joint custody. For example, if you believe that your children would be unsafe with the other parent for whatever reason, you should avoid shared custody. This might be due to a drug or alcohol addiction.
There is also a serious chance that the children will be subjected to abuse. Whatever your motives are, if you feel or your children feel that they are not safe with the other parent, do everything in your power to get custody of your children. Even visitation rights could be avoided for the other parent before they get their lives straight.
If you require the aid of a qualified & trustworthy family lawyer who understands the stress, worry, and what it takes to argue for your rights and benefits in family law problems, please call the office of Eric child custody as soon as possible. Contact Eric child custody, the leading Child Custody Attorney Orange County, at 1-714-916-9800 for a consultation.