
Interview:Tell us about your journey in the fashion industry so far?Harry Gianneli: Myjourney in the clothing industry started about 20 years ago when I used to dosome kind of clothing brand scouting. So, I traveled mostly in Italy trying todiscover new talented people and brands and suggest them to the stores brandcooperate with. This process helped me a lot to learn and discover more aboutclothing industry. In 2009 I decided to launch my first against women's abuset-shirts collection under Gianneli label which helped me introduce myself inclothing industry. At the same time, I used to design limited edition garmentsfor people around the world until 2019 when I decided to launch Good Doer byGianneli, exclusively dedicated to bright side of life. Interview: Tell usabout your first collection “against women abuse”. Harry Gianneli: Hmm. Thankyou for this question. Actually, I am emotionally connected with this firstcollection and it’s my pleasure to speak about it. As I remember, in thatperiod I had watched a documentary about domestic violence and violence againstwomen. So, I thought that it can be a nice idea to write down some things thatI would like to say about violence against women and then add them on t-shirts.So, I called some friends of mine, photographers and models and ask them helpme with this project. Finally, we created 1000 limited edition t-shirts whichgot sold out in some days, most of them in United States. Interview: What is theidea behind Good Doer by Gianneli™?Harry Gianneli: The idea behind Good Doer byGianneli™ is connected with my internal need to express myself about thingsthat happening around me. We live in an era that every day we are bombardedwith bad influences and news. These are everywhere around uson TV, newspapers,internet even on clothing. That was the main reason I decided to launch aclothing brand exclusively dedicated to bright side of life, trying to"throw some color" on "grey things" there are around us andoffer to the audience something different. Interview: How do you reflect thismessage of positivity in your designs? Harry Gianneli: I do this with a mix ofpowerful quotes and many colors on my designs. Even a simple word can openhearts and minds and make us see life in an alternative way. Also colors alwayshave a positive effect on people's psychology. Interview: What are some of theproducts one can find on your brand’s website? Harry Gianneli™: Actually, mostof our products are casual clothing like t-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts,dresses, pants but we also offer accessories and products for home as well.More information about the brand can be found at