Geometric cross stitch pattern
Geometric cross stitch pattern
Choose from thousands of original geometric, baby and animal cross stitch patterns designed very well. Browse our range of fun and sweet cross stitch kits for beginners or intermediates.

Geometric cross stitch pattern

A Beginner’s Guide to Cross-Stitch


We all need ahobby to keep us engaged in something we enjoy, and for me, cross-stitching is alwaysanenriching experience. Apart from being fun and easy to understand, it doesnot require us to invest in many supplies, and provides opportunities to demonstratehowcreative we can be.


Designingunique patterns has allowed me to come up with art pieces that I have apersonal connection with. However, beyond the creative considerations ofcross-stitching, I learnt that a little progress each day can lead to amazingresults. There is a science behind everything, including needlecrafts such asknitting. It is all about familiarizing ourselves with the basics before weventure into the different types of images we want to create. We can even basethem on pictures or drawings that belong to us so that we can relate to ourwork on a deeper level.


First, let usexplain what cross-stitching is so you can see if it works for you and yourpreferences.


What isCross-Stitching?


Defined as atype of counted thread embroidery, cross-stitching is revisiting modern craftas a popular hobby. The process involves performing X-shaped stitches on fabricwith an open and even weave such as linen or Aida. The only limit to a person’sdesigns, be it a beginner or pro, is their creativity. The final product can besomething modern, traditional, or a mix of both.


Today,cross-stitch projects are often available as kits in the market. You can alsobuy basic supplies to present innovations of your own.


Explore the Basics

The firstthing to do is select your kit which you can even customize. If you are new tothe world of needlecraft, we recommend stocking up on a needle, an embroideryhoop, and embroidery floss. You will also need instructions on making a stitch,choosing the design pattern, and the fabric or canvas to work on.


Next, evaluatea cross-stitch chart that gives information about the suitable color and thelocation to stitch.


A rule of thumbis to begin stitching in the center of the design whenever you start a newproject. This ensures that your design is embedded in the fabric, and you canalways refer to the tiny arrows at the edges of a cross-stitch that mark themain points.


There arenumerous categories of embroidery hoops and frames to choose from. As abeginner, you may want to use one because it is easier to place your fabric inan embroidery hoop. One best practice is to center Aida fabric in embroideryhoop, and select the color of embroidery floss.Next, cut it to a length ofaround 12-18 inches long. Embroidery floss consists of six strands, and youwill see that most cross-stitch patterns involve a couple of strands at once.This entirely depends on your choice of fabric though, as you may generally alternatebetween one or two strands at a time.


To isolate astrand, simply hold the floss with your free hand and squeeze the tail of onestrand with the other hand. Carefully pull the strand up and out until it is disconnectedfrom the remaining strands. Pulling several strands simultaneously may resultin the flossbecoming entangled, so take necessary precautions.


Needle Threading

It is commonto create beautiful cross-stitch designs using tapestry needles with roundedends. The size of the needle will be based on your fabric material. If youstitch a kit, utilize the needle that comes with it. The process of threading aneedle is similar to managing a needle for hand sewing. Take care not to make aknot in the tail end because you will end up stitching across the tail whileattempting to secure it. Also, do not use knots in the cross-stitching processto avoid creating any bumps when you finish.


Hints and Tips


Follow thepattern closely and slowly begin stitching from left to right. Start at theback of the fabric and guide the needle to the front when you stitch a row withthe same-colored thread. Holding the tail against the end of the fabric willallow the first few stitches to catch the tail and tighten it.


Then, pull thethread, and pass it through to the back of the material. Next, take the needleto the front, and then to the rear of the fabric. Make a string of diagonalhalf stitches in the same direction by moving left to right. Continue from leftto right till you complete the cross-stitches.


Switch to anew piece if your thread runs out or only a few inches remain. Turn yourcreation over and pull the needle between the stitches on the back to secureit. Cut off the remaining thread, and move on to the new switch with a freshpiece of thread.


How to Make Separate Cross Stitches

Every piece ofwork is different. Sometimes, you may it simpler to perform an entire crossstitch before proceeding to the next stitch rather than working in rows. It isa matter of stitching till you reach the end of your thread or until you use upyour supply of stitches in your pattern. On the back of your fabric, just passthe needle under three completed stitches to tighten the thread, and trim therest once you finish.


Concluding Remarks

Cross-stitchingis a fulfilling craft, and it appreciated all around the world.Do not worryabout thesteps, and just enjoy the process.


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