
IT Company Australia is a leading IT solutions provider that offers cloud hosting services and has its own IT infrastructure. Our company offers SMS Services tailored to the commercial and business sector.
To automatically verify phone numbers for the client and server portions of the verification flow. We describe how to implement the client portion in an android app.
To start the phone number verification flow in an Android App, you can send the phone number to your verification server and call the SMS Retrieve API to begin listing any SMS message containing a one time code for your APP. After you received the message, you can send the one-time code back to your server to complete the verification process. IT Company the best Digital Services provider in Australia. Our Services include website & mobile application development in many other useful technologies as per the requirement and choice of our customer. We have IT professionals, who work with us, provide services on demand, they are expertly trained in the technologies and will meet the best requirements of your business that you need today.
The Power of SMS Messaging for Business:We offer the SMS retrieve API is available only on Android devices with play services version newer. we obtained the user’s phone number in whatever way is appropriate for your APP. Mostly for the user’s best experience to use the hint picker to prompt the user to choose from the phone numbers stored on the device and thereby avoid having to manually type a phone number to use the hint picker. When you are ready to verify the user’s phone number, get an instance of the SMS retriever client objects, call and attach success and failure listeners to the SMS retrieval task. The SMS retrieval task will listen for up to five minutes for an SMS message that contains a unique string that identifies your APP.SMS Messaging Improves Your Customer Service:IT Company provides you to have to get the user’s phone number and start to listen for SMS messages, send the user's phone number to your verification server using any method using an (HTTPS POST) request then your server generates a verification message and sends it by SMS to the phone number specified. When a verification message is received on the user’s devices, play services explicitly broadcasts to your app intent, which contains the text of the verification message from the extras of the intent. We offer registered broadcast receivers with the intent filter.
We Can Help Your Business:
We will strengthen your customer service performance to implement an SMS managing system.IT Company Australia integrate APIs to get engaged customers timely provide information through SMS alerts with two-way communications and other automated messages. We provide two-way simple communication between a business and customers through direct to carrier routes that provide the highest deliverability and conversation rates.
IT Company Australia is a professional web development company providing IT solutions and services to all sorts of businesses that helps them to grow their productivity with our latest technology, networks, and data centers. We usually get confirmed with our customers about their long-term strategy to edit, any updates, and if they want to promote their website. We are available all the time to offer our monthly maintenance rate and provide information to our customers about hourly rates if they need to fix.