
Fans show their love for the sports in many ways. While some of them go to the extent of worshipping their favorite cricket star or team, others collect cards or cricket memorabilia or even play games related to cricket to show their love towards the sport . Now with the digital revolution, even the sports industry is facing a major change. There has been a huge shift in the way in which the community engages with the sport. Cricket related games in particular has undergone some major changes.
The evolution of Cricket Game
There are an array of cricket games. These games have evolved and changed over the years. EA Cricket 07, Codemasters series on play station, Cricket captain games series are some of the earliest cricket games. These games are talked about about even today. Those who have played these games know how engaging and intriguing these games are. With live commentary by famous commentators and realistic setting, these cricket games truly felt addictive. From these traditional cricket games, to where we have arrived today, it’s been quite a journey for the cricket games.
The game changer
While Cricket games are interesting to play and earn rewards, the question of true ownership of these rewards and the purchases the gamers make inside the game was still a question mark. That’s when we had the non-fungible tokens (NFTs) enter the world of cricket gaming. With the introduction of gaming NFTs, the rewards the players acquired through the course of the game and the purchases that the player makes within the can be completely owned by the gamer. This way, the time, effort and money that the gamer invests in the game will be directly proportional to the rewards earned. The gamer can use the assets within the game, rent it to other players or even use it on other platforms. Thus, NFTs enable the interoperability of these assets.
Play-to-earn cricket games
NFTs have helped in the development of a new model of gaming through Play-to-earn games. Here, the players not only get to play a game, but also earn while they play. For example, the recently launched NFT cricket game- Meta cricket league launched by is a P2E game, that let’s players both earn and play at the same time. The game is soon said to enter the Metaverse. In the future, it is said that the marketplace will let people own stadium and spaces in the Metaverse apart from the usual assets.
NFTs have changed the Cricket gaming industry in a way that gamers and cricket fans never imagined. From passively sitting behind the screen to playing cricket games in the metaverse and earning at the same time, cricket games have come a long way. There’s no doubt that these games will continue to evolve and reach new heights.