
With constant evolving technology, the impetus of mobile SEO and voice searches have led Google to put more stress on a few changes. These are directly connected to getting ‘direct answers’ to the searched queries. And that is why Fresno marketing agents and SEO specialists Fresno need to update their skills and analysis to modulate voice searches into the SEO and marketing practices. In recent years, SEO has changed dramatically and with new changes in Google algorithms, it has become more aligned for mobile SEO practices.
It has been seen that voice searches are favored by more people as it is easy and cuts across all ages. Voice searches will surpass mobile and that is why SEO professionals need to satiate the text and voice queries and Google has highlighted the importance of “direct answers” as voice inputs will be higher from mobile phones and tablets. Most of the direct answers results are better termed as rich answers as they provide answers to the user’s specific questions.
As per current statistics, voice searches have increased over the last 5 years and most of the teens and adults use it often to get immediate results. Additionally, it allows you to do other things on your mobile devices while the Google voice searches are done.
With lower error rates over the past few years, better voice recognition technology has enabled faster search results and that is another reason that people have started moving over to it. It is more about bots understanding voice and compiling results based on it. The interpretation is better with more applicable understanding of the meaning and that has led to proper responses on the phrases.
Currently responsive websites only allow text searches but in the future voice enabled searches will become a standard part of asking questions. Though video blogs or vlogs are trending but it is a one-sided non-communicative tool though Google and other search engines are looking at video content as part of the SEO campaigns. However, it will take on more than the usual to optimize your website for search engines using voice as with time, SEO search terms will change. As search engines look to answer queries, keyword stuffing will lead businesses nowhere.
The increasing popularity of Siri in Apple products, Cortana and Google Now, it is impossible to avoid looking at the future. With smarter and more advanced programming, search engines with complex algorithms have moved on to the next level and businesses will need to follow suit. However, there is a lot that needs to be done on quirks of speech and accents so that the bots are better adapted to understanding the spoken words. Currently location based voice searches, apps and other contextual searches are comparatively easy. Constant advancements and changes, voice SEO is the need of tomorrow.
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