Why Should You Go With Instacart Clone App For Your Online Grocery Delivery Business?
Why Should You Go With Instacart Clone App For Your Online Grocery Delivery Business?
The online grocery delivery service business was relatively dull until the strike of the pandemic. People started doing panic shopping via online grocery apps. As people were confined to their homes, the online grocery apps were the only helping hand.

This is the root cause of the increasing number of online grocery applications. A study reveals that in the post-pandemic world, people will become glued to online grocery shopping as it is convenient and avoids contamination of viruses. It is clear from these facts that proliferating your business into online grocery delivery services will be profitable. Of the renowned online grocery apps, Instacart is tucked with many benefits for your business if you launch one.

Every business needs to stick with modern solutions to stand apart from competitors. Also, users keep eyeing for contemporary solutions to their needs. Following are the recently added features to improve the user experience.

Contactless delivery - The contactless delivery feature is vital in these times. People prefer online shopping to outside shopping as it eliminates the need to jostle with others which ultimately leads to the spread of the virus. Taking into concern the users’ safety the app employs contactless delivery, where the delivery person will drop off the order outside the users’ places.

Safety badges - The delivery persons and grocery stores are accredited with safety badges to indicate that they follow the safety precautions like wearing masks, gloves, indulging in social distancing, etc., Users can view which delivery persons and grocery stores have safety badges via the app.

Selfie screening - The delivery person will have to wear masks and gloves, upload his/her selfie on the app. Only after uploading the selfie, the delivery person can accept or dispatch orders to users.


All the above-discussed features must be considered while developing the online grocery app solution. If you launch the app with such innovative features users will definitely march towards your app.