
It is not a surprising matter when you see somehairs on your comb or pillow because hairs fall to let the other hairs growfrom the hair follicles situated inside the skin. However, this normal processcan be disturbed and may lead to hair loss or alopecia. If your genes areinvolved in the progression of baldness, this issue is called genetic hair lossor male pattern baldness. whenever you experience excessive hair loss, you needto visit a hair restoration clinic to get help from a Hair Transplant Surgeon inAhmedabad. Actually, hair loss is a complex problem that you cannot diagnose onyour own.
Therefore, for proper treatment, it is mandatoryyou visit an authentic hair loss clinic.
Hair loss may seem in the form of severe hairthinning and hair loss. Genetic hair loss affects the hairline as the warningsign. Later the temple area and the crown area is also affected to make alarger bald area in the scalp.
Hair loss is genetic in most cases. However, temporaryhair loss may occur due to several reasons.
These reasons cause temporary hair loss. In thecase of permanent baldness or genetic hair loss, various reasons work astriggers to start the progression of male pattern baldness.
Hair loss or alopecia may occur due to thefollowing reasons:
If you are experiencing severe hair loss, lookat your diet because proper nourishment is necessary for optimum hair growth.If you are sure the culprit is your poor diet, improve your diet with the helpof your nutrition expert.
Experts are sure that stress releases certainhormones that are not good for your hair follicles. Hair loss may occur after atraumatic incident because of increased physical or mental stress. The onlysolution to this kind of hair loss is reducing stress.
MedicationsFor Certain Diseases:
Medications for certain health issues areresponsible for removing your hairs. For example, medication and treatment forcancer cause complete hair loss.
You may start to lose hair excessively while youare suffering from chronic diseases. In the case of females, they lose morehair after the delivery of their baby. Menopause is also the reason forincreased hair loss in females.
HairstyleAnd products:
It is quite surprising but true that yourhairstyles may be the reason for hair loss. If you like to wear tighthairstyles, your hair will be under pressure for a long time. As a result, thehair roots get weaker to cause hair loss. Similarly,
Hairs are also affected due to seasonal changes.Hot or cold weather damages the hair roots. The result of this effect is seenin the form of lifeless and brittle hairs.
GeneticHair Loss:
This is the most common reason for hair loss aswe have mentioned above. your genes are responsible for making your scalpentirely bald and you have limited options to control this type of hair loss.
If you think you are a victim of genetic hairloss, you can get proper treatment at competitive HairTransplant Cost in India. For this, you have to come to the Avenuesclinic where the highest grade of treatment is available for the patients.