Who is an Entrepreneur or businessman
Who is an Entrepreneur or businessman
Many think businessmen & entrepreneurs are the same, but they are different in many ways. Both are very different in the way they think, act & then implement. Let’s deep dive into who is an entrepreneur?

Who is an Entrepreneur?

Who is an Entrepreneur?

Many think businessmen & entrepreneurs are the same, but they are different in many ways. Both are very different in the way they think, act & then implement. Let’s deep dive into who is an entrepreneur?

·        An entrepreneur is an initiator

No doubt we can say that the entrepreneur is an initiator and a risk-taker. Who can create something new such has products or services, he is always a beginner. Many people have different ideas but those who convert that idea into reality is an entrepreneur.

·        Entrepreneurs are responsible & accountable

An entrepreneur is responsible & accountable for their own actions & the future of the company or the project. An entrepreneur must lead everyone to the ultimate success of the project.

·        Entrepreneur has solutions

The entrepreneur always has solutions for any blockage or hurdle. Providing solutions for any specific problem & solving that in an effective way make a good entrepreneur.

Sowe can say that the person who is started & responsible for the future of anything which is started & providing the best solution for a problem is eligible to become an entrepreneur.