
When to use China Butterfly Valve
Initially, butterfly valves were meant to be used on water applications but thanks to the latest designs and improvements in component materials they are now found in numerous industrial fluid applications. The China Butterfly Valve is available in sizes from 1 to more than 200, it has a pressure capability of 150-psi to 740-psi cold working pressure. As far as temperature ratings are concerned, a normal valve is 25 Degrees F to 300 Degrees F, while a high-performance one is 400 Degrees F to 450 Degrees. It is useful to know that it can be actuated manually or automatically.
We should point out the numerous advantages it brings in comparison with other types of valves. The China Butterfly Valve has a simple, economic design, it is easy to repair and maintain and it enables you to save money on initial costs and installation costs. Its main components are the body, disk, stem and seat. The body designs can be lug or wafer; the wafer design is less expensive, it does not transfer the weight of the piping system through the valve body, while a lug is suitable for dead-end service and removal of the downstream piping.
The disk has many variations that are meant to improve flow, sealing and operating torque, while the stem can be protected from the media or in contact with the media according to your specific requirements. Elastomers or polymers are usually used to make the seats and metal seats are popular for high-performance valves. When it comes to non-wetted and wetted designs the difference is simple: the non-wetted design is when the body and stem area are isolated from the media, while the wetted is when the valve body is exposed to the line media.
Your China Valve Manufacturer will inform you about the characteristics you should pay attention to when choosing a butterfly valve. We should start with the linear, which means that the flow rate should be proportional to the amount of disk travel. Next, there is the equal percentage, the quick opening and we should not forget about economy and reliability. We should emphasize the fact that these valves are not suitable for all sorts of applications.
When determining whether they are a suitable solution for you or not you should consider the following: service, temperature and pressure. Thanks to technological innovations this type of valve has become very popular, being a dependable and flexible solution to numerous flow control applications. Those of you who would like to know more about it will find lots of useful information at a trustworthy China Valve Manufacturer. The truth is that you should not invest in a certain type of valve unless you are sure it is everything you need.
Fortunately, thanks to the Internet you have the possibility to do some research of your own so that you know what to expect from different types of valves. Also, you can compare advantages and disadvantages, costs involved and you can form an accurate idea about recommended uses for the valves you are interested in. Shopping for the most suitable valves has become easier thanks to the Internet and we are confident that online you will find all the information you need to make an educated purchase.
Resource box: It is not easy to decide which type of valve suits your requirements best but the good news is that you can contact our China Valve Manufacturer for detailed and accurate information about his products. After you become familiar with the China Butterfly Valve and how it works you will be able to make a purchase you will be happy with in the long run. It is our pleasure to guide you through this process and to answer to your queries so that you know what you spend your money on and what to expect from the valve you will be using.