what sports can teach us about roofer near me
what sports can teach us about roofer near me
what sports can teach us about roofer near me

Considering the many choices, each with its own pros and cons, it can be a daunting task to decide on the type of roofing for your home. When choosing a roofing style, make sure to pay attention to a few key factors: home design, structural strength, cost, local building ordinances, and personal preferences. It is also a good idea to consider the long term effects of your choice and what it will mean for your home in years to come.

Below is a quick look at a number of roofing types, accompanied by their main advantages and disadvantages.

Composition Shingles

Pros: At a very affordable price, these roofs are offered in a variety of colors and styles. Composition shingles made from asphalt and fiberglass are of a high quality and very durable. They are easy to install compared with other roofing types, require little maintenance, and usually have Class A fire protection.

Cons: These types of roofs roof repair near me do not perform well in high winds, best roofer near me and under certain conditions there is a chance that they might blow off. The materials also scar easily if hot, which damages the appearance and durability of the roof.

Wood Shakes

Pros: Available in a variety of colors, widths, thicknesses, cuts roofers near me of wood, etc. - these roofs allow for flexibility in style. Wood helps to insulate your attic, which allows air to circulate easily.

Cons: Wood shakes are unrated by fire safety codes and often require wipe or spray-on fire retardants, which are usually