
When Should You Train Your Dog to Use Dog Crates?
Some dog owners consider dog crates and dog cages evil tools that are used to torture pets. But that is simply not true. They are simply tools, and the ways that they are used depends on the person using them. So, you can also use these tools for the well-being of your dog. And in certain situations, it is almost mandatory to use this type of tool. Otherwise, your pet may face dangers and risks unnecessary. Firstly, you should know when you should use a crate.
• You need to let your pet alone for several hours. There can be many different reasons for which you need to leave your pet alone for a long period. And in many cases, your home can be dangerous for your pet. For example, your pet may get harmed by items such as vases. So, to avoid any unnecessary harm and damage to your house, then you should train your dog to stay in a crate. But never use dog cages for this purpose.
• The crate can be used as a sleeping place. During the night, your pet may wake up, and if you do not keep it in a crate, then a similar situation to the one mentioned above may happen. So, training your pet to use a crate is also a great method to keep your pet safe during the night. Also, you should never let your pet sleep with the same bed as you. During the night, you may harm it without knowing. So, avoid this possibility as well.
• Do not let your dog in a crate for more than 10 hours at a time. A warning that you need to know is the length that you should keep your pet in a crate. If there is no urgency, then you should try and limit the time that your pet stays in the cage during the day to a maximum of 10 hours. Also, after you return, you should make sure to spend at least an hour or two with your pet. Staying alone locked for longer periods will affect the mental state of your pet. And you also need to make sure that your pet is active enough and keep its body in shape despite the long periods it stays in the crate.
How Can You Properly Train Your Pet to Use the Dog Crates?
As mentioned at the beginning of the article, dog crates are tools that you can use properly or not. So, if you want to avoid any harm to your pet’s mental state, then you should use a proper training method. You should have the goal of creating a habit for your pet to stay in the cage without feeling anxious. But there are 3 simple steps that you can use to ensure that the training is done properly and your pet does not suffer any type of harm.
• Use food or toys to make him enter the crate. Do not force your pet to go inside the cage. Doing that may look in its eyes like punishment. And it will also trigger negative emotions and instincts. So, you should use a softer method. Seducing your pet with food and toys to enter the crate is the best alternative. You could also move the food and water bowls in the crate permanently. So, your dog will get used to staying in dog crates. It will also be easier to train your dog stay in dog cages.
• For a period stay near the crate while your dog is inside. The next step of the process that you need to do is to spend enough time with your pet while he is closed in the crate. In the beginning, you should never leave its side. Your presence will make your dog feel good, and the fact that it stays in a crate will not affect his mental state. After a period, you can try and leave it alone for a few minutes before coming back.
• Slowly increase the period you let your pet alone. Once you are sure that your pet does not have any problems staying in the crate without you for a few minutes, then you can slowly extend the period you leave him alone. Do not force this process. Take it slow and make sure that the well-being of your pet always remains your main focus.
Should You Ever Use Dog Cages for Your Pet?
Dog cages are similar to dog crates, but they have a completely different purpose. You should never use a cage to keep your dog closed and alone. The small space in the cage will harm your pet if you keep it inside for several hours daily. The cage should be used only if you are in one of the several situations mentioned below.
• You take public transportation together with your pet. If you need to take your dog with you and you need to use public transpiration methods, then you need to use a cage. But you should make sure that you are always together with your pet and not let it feel lonely or punished.
• If you drive and there’s no one to keep an eye on your dog. Another situation where you have to use dog cages is if you need to drive and no one can take care of your pet inside the car. You should never let it free inside the car without supervision. In this case, it is better to use a dog cage to make sure that your pet is safe and that no accidents happen.
• If your dog is too active and playful to be left alone in a vehicle. A similar situation with the one above. But if your dog is quite large and it is very active and playful, then it may be dangerous to let him free even if there is someone to keep an eye on it. Keep in mind that dogs are still animals. So, they can be very impermissible. And it may be too late to do something to salvage a situation caused by a playful dog.