
What Does Chiropractic Neck Treatment Involve?
During a chiropractic adjustment, trained specialists called chiropractors use their hands or a medical instrument to position the spinal joint. Chiropractic treatment is done when you have neck pain, headaches, or low back pains. These are the most common reasons why people seek chiropractic treatment.
The practice is a popular therapy for many people as it doesn’t involve any medication. Today, there are 60,000 plus certified chiropractors in the United States, and about 8% of adults and 3% of American children have had chiropractic care treatment. This is higher compared to those who opt for yoga, massage, and other therapies like acupuncture.
The word chiropractic originated from the Greek words ‘cheir’ for hand and ‘praxis’ meaning action. The chiropractor near you uses the hands to treat muscle, nerve pain, and joint pains throughout the spine and joint adjustment.
The adjustment procedure involves your practitioner applying moderate but abrupt force to a particular joint, pushing it beyond the point the joint moves typically. The process attempts to loosen up joints that poorly and painfully move due to tissue and tendon damage or scars caused by trauma or recurrent stress.
A traumatic example causing neck pain is whiplash, while an example of repetitive stress is a consistent poor posture.
After a neck pain treatment in Cave Creek, AZ, you might develop minor side effects that go away after a few days. They include fatigue or pain in the treated parts and consistent headaches.
Note that the response to a chiropractic adjustment is not similar for everyone. It much depends on an individual’s particular situation. If you fail to notice any improvements in symptoms after a few weeks of treatment, you might need an alternative therapy to chiropractic adjustment.
Tatum Chiropractic and Wellness neck adjustment is safe when done by a trained and certified individual. Below are the common complications associated with neck pain treatment in Cave Creek, AZ.
Do not seek chiropractic treatment if you have:
Chiropractors near you are trained to assess the best treatment options for neck treatment and other pain types. A chiropractor might recommend you to another specialist if your neck pain comes with headache, fever, vomiting, or if you notice that you’re wincing at light. This can be a symptom of meningitis, an infection that infects the brain and spinal cord membranes.
You will need to visit an emergency room immediately if there is a possibility of meningitis.
Your neck pain might also be a result of underlying medical conditions such as arthritis or fibromyalgia. Sin this case, some medications and muscle relaxants recommended by your doctor will alleviate the pain better and faster than chiropractic treatment.
These are chiropractic techniques that do not use rapid force or side bending of the neck for treatment but rather use slow velocity and smooth stretches. Several factors determine whether your chiropractor will recommend gentle chiropractic treatment, including:
Once in a while, chiropractors use a combination of methods to treat neck pain. Adjunctive therapies like exercise, heat, cold therapies and other treatments can manage cervical spine pain.
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