
Games are something that people go to when they want fun and recreation. Whether it's offline or online, playing with a ball or with a mobile phone, people are indeed interested in gaming. Today a new generation of gaming- NFT games is rising making people not only have fun but also earn through trading assets in NFT gaming Marketplace. What is NFT gaming? why is it trending now? Can playing such games can bring you fortunes like investing in NFTs and cryptocurrencies? Here are answers to every question you have on NFT games.
The new generation of Gaming
NFT games or blockchain-based games are games that come with Play to earn model rather than pay to play model. Here you will have to buy the in-game assets just like in the Pay to Play model. But the difference is that you can sell these assets again in an NFT gaming marketplace and get your money back when you no longer need those items again. How? These in-game assets are made as Non-Fungible Tokens in the blockchain and they have definite ownership of the asset in the blockchain. So when you buy an NFT item, your address would be etched on the blockchain as the owner of the asset.
In addition to that, whenever you win a game or a match on the platform you will be rewarded with real-time in-game cryptocurrencies. That is, you earn points, and you earn an equivalent amount of cryptocurrency. These currencies when exchanged in a cryptocurrency exchange can earn you fiat currencies.
So if you ask whether you can earn a fortune by playing these games same as trading NFTs and cryptos, the answer is simple. Yes, it is possible because people in the east left their daily jobs to play these games to earn their daily bread. But it is indeed important to strategically plan the right game and the right strategy when doing as an investment.
Today many NFT gaming Marketplaces are launching to provide exclusive access to gaming NFTs. The shift from Pay to play model to Play to earn is making the news and people consider it a way to invest their time on the right NFT platform rather than playing lame games to pass time. This new generation of gaming is being adopted by the masses and with Metaverse coming along, this will create a new history in the gaming industry.