Walking Canes & Hiking Staves | Canes Galore
Walking Canes & Hiking Staves | Canes Galore
FREE SHIPPING for orders over $150 to USA addresses. - (Via UPS Ground, FedEx Ground, USPS Priority or First Class Mail. Choice of Shipping depends on size/weight) For orders under $150 you will have a $10 flat shipping rate to US addresses. Note: We now carry Concord Lane Handcrafted Walking Sticks - made in Italy!

Custom Walking Canes | Where To Buy Wooden Walking Sticks

To summarize, the five most important points to consider when choosinga walking stick for sale or for someone else are; the height needed, thebest handle type to buy, strength and weight designed to support, how often thestick will be used and where.

We have a complete selection of walking canes and hiking staffs thatfit any need or style. We also have a large variety of walking cane seats andseat stick styles. Whether you are Big & Tall or Small & Petite, wewill have one just for you or one that can be cut for you. Our Hiking Staffsand Walking Cane Products are perfect for pleasure or everyday use. Be sure tocheck out our novelty canes for some fun items to add to your collection. Theyrange from Flask Canes, Sword Canes, or some that are more unique.